Romans 8:37. …. we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Good Evening,
A lot of folks have been calling, texting, emailing and facebooking where is the blog? They questioned me as if I had given up, but nope I did not. I decided to allow the last message about Esther’s journey titled “Released by His Love into Our Next Assignment” to be the message of the day all of last week. Each day I study the Word and seek God in developing a blog for the day. Last week that message had me seeking out my next assignment.
On last Monday I developed the title for this blog “Destined for Greatness: Knowing Your Worth”. As I wrote the message out on Monday it seemed incomplete. It was a lengthy writing but it was empty. I just couldn’t seem to put what I had been hearing from God into a complete message. Over the week I heard many great messages, received many great signs, but still I wanted them all to come together. I learned that when in search for our assignments it’s not something we assign, but something we discover.
On Tuesday I tried to allow my experiences of the day reshape my writing, but it didn’t happen. I was busy day after day, until I realized that I am at a place in my life where I dictate to myself how my day is going to go and what I am going to do. Experience after experience in all areas of my life last week I realize I was the shot caller over my own life. No longer was I allowing people, places or things to get the best of me. Those around me that knew how to push my buttons and get me off track no longer were able to do so. Things that use to irritate me didn’t seem to bother me.
There were meetings I sat in and events I attended that made me think twice about all that God has been doing in and through my life. I had to make some tough decisions over the last week, but they all were for the best. I had to realize my mind is a battlefield. The battle of my life is in my mind. I had to reposition my thoughts to focus on where I believe God wants me to go. I had to look all my opposition in the face and determine that it was not going to make or break me. I had to deposit deep within my mind, heart and soul that God was in lead and that I was to follow wholeheartedly, because He has open doors that I know only He could have done.
Over this past month God has blown my mind and I am extremely grateful.
A day earlier from writing the message about Esther, I wrote about Ruth. I wrote about how her journey from Moab to Bethlehem changed her life forever. I wrote about how her story started out a disaster but as the story went along we seen how she was destined for greatness. We learned that no matter how it looks to us, God will and can make a way. Even in the story of Esther because of who she was, she was not able to take part in the selection for the new queen, but we seen in her story she was also destined for greatness. As we looked at Saul and his transformation into Paul we can see that he was also destined for greatness. We can go through the bible book by book, chapter by chapter, story by story and read about a lot of folks who were destined for greatness.
In this month we will celebrate the lives of many great African Americans like Dr. Martin Luther King, President Barack Obama, Louis Armstrong, Dr. Ben Carson, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, Mary McCloud Bethune, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and the list goes on and on. They were all people who have also faced great challenges but they were also destined for greatness. They are also people who knew their value and knew they had impact on people and change. They did what was necessary to make a difference and bring about change.
What is your impact? How will you be remembered? What is your purpose God has established for your life? If there was only one word to describe you what would it be? The word I chose when I was asked that questioned was unique. It means one of a kind. I chose the word because I decided to seek out my differences and use them to seek out my worth. I chose to find out what was unique about me and how I could use my gift to help others get to where God needs them to be.
In the midst of helping and developing others, God has been healing and developing me from all the hurt and pain from my past. He has strengthened my self esteem and led me into walking into His confidence. God has placed me in a new place, on a new assignment, with a new motivation, headed towards my destiny because I chose to chase after Him. I chose to find out why and how I was created. I chose to live life as His Word says I was created in His image and likeness. I chose to love and serve His people, as He does.
I know and believe I am valuable, which means I finally know my worth. I finally believe I am destined for greatness. I like to say I am who I Am says I am and that means I am destined for greatness. I like to bless everyone I interact with, because I make it my business to put thoughts in their minds, a smile on their face and in their heart and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill their soul. I navigate ways to help others get to the places they need to in this life and lend a hand at all times regardless of payment. I know that my rewards come from God and I served from my heart at all times.
We have to get to a place when we follow our passion and allow God to move on our behalf. We have to get to a place where money doesn’t dictate anything to us, but we are in control of it. We have to get to a place where we can grow in love with someone and not allow lust to lead us into selling ourselves short. We have to get to a place where we are not used, abused and walked all over in any areas of our life. We have to get to a place where we walk in God’s confidence at all times. We have to get to a place where we can make ourselves happy and not depend on someone else to do so for us.
It’s time that we see who God sees when He looks at us. One song that I love to hear daily is Marvin Sapps’ song “He Saw the Best in Me”. It’s time we live as God sees us and know our worth. So today take a step of confidence and believe that in Romans 8:37 that we are more than conquerors!
Today is the day that we stop allowing people to determine what we will and will not have. It’s time we stop living life in a box and step out of it. It’s time we stop living life in a cycle and break it! It’s time that we take the necessary steps towards being confident in who we are in God and walk in His humility. It’s time that we master forgiveness and experience God’s peace and joy.
No longer should we allow people to label us or hold us back in our past! No longer should we use excuses about would haves, should haves and could haves! No longer should we be looking for a hand out! No longer should we sell ourselves short to a man or woman that does not have our best interest at heart!
Women no longer should we chase after men! If he is a real man of God, give him the opportunity to seek after you. Men no longer just settle for anybody, but settle for the one that completes you totally. In relationships love should be unconditional and we should grow deeper in love daily. No longer should we settle for relationships built on lust. It’s time to set some high standards by raising the bar and stick with them!
I challenge each of us to continue to write out our dreams, goals and desires, but also I ask that we tap into our worth! It’s time we know and believe we are destined for greatness! Our lives are also worth celebrating! We are not quitters, we are fighters! We do not have to settle for less, we want the more! We do not have to accept people using, abusing and walking all over us! It’s time we experience true love and relationship. It’s time we take and stand and walk with God and allow Him to show us our full potential!
We must walk in God’s confidence at all times and possess all things He has assigned for our lives! It’s time to stop assuming and come boldly after what you need, want and desire! If you know it’s of God, who can stop you? Who can take it from you? The answer is nobody! Reach towards the goal because you are more than a conqueror!
I want to deposit this in your mind, heart and soul that you are destined for greatness! You are somebody! It’s time you know that you are valuable and that God loves you and that He is preparing to do more than you could ever ask or think in your life!
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today
Lord as I read this I ask that you strengthen my self esteem, Lord I ask that You teach me more about how valuable I am in you, Lord I want to get to the place in my life when no one can use, abuse or walk all over me, Lord I am more than a conqueror, Lord up on my job have your way in my life, Lord in my home have your way in my life, Lord in my relationship have your way, Lord in my friendships have your way, Lord in my finances how your way, Lord today I step forward closer into Your presence for you take me higher in You, Lord I believe I am destined for greatness! In Jesus name, Amen!
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