Rev 3:8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
Today I ask that we take a look back over the last 3 months of this year and allow God to highlight what we need to leave behind. I ask that we take two steps forward today in seeking Him and experiencing more of His love.
It's time we shed our lives of people, places and things that are hindering us.
Daily I encourage us to tap back into our dreams, hopes and desires, but along the way there have been some obstacles, challenges and pit stops. There have been some doors God has led us to, but there seem to have been something or someone blocking the entry way.
There have been some relationships that we have let go, but yet overnight he or she seemed to have had a change of heart and we let them back in. There have been some habits that we have kicked, but overnight we had the urge to light it up, pop the top and give up ourselves to those who don't love us. Some of us have even raise the hand to hit someone we love and/or neglected our responsibilities. All in all we have been beating ourselves up daily because of our decisions to give in or to give up at some point in time along the way.
We have been faced with test after test, situation after situation and we are putting too much time in trying to make things happen on our own. We are avoiding change to take place in our lives because we expected a different outcome.
We have been placed in difficult situations and it has been very challenging for us to live life as usual, but I want us all to stay firm on God's word at all times.
When we walked into 2010 a lot of us made the decision in our mind that we were going to plan out some resolutions and stick to them, yet after the first week we had forgot all about the resolutions. We saw the challenge of trying to live right, do better and become who God has called us to be and decided to step back into our comfort zone.
I'll go back to Genesis and Joseph's journey for a moment. God had given him visions of who he was to become, but before his eyes it didn't seem possible. Did it stop Joseph from walking in what He believe God had called him to do? The answer is no! Joseph continue to keep his faith in God that his visions would become a living reality. Through all the test and trials Joseph remained confident in God's word for his life. That's the same approach we need to take daily. Despite how it looks know that God is in full control.
No longer can we live in comfort and just allow life to pass us by. I am not one to allow anyone to let life just pass them by! I believe my assignment is to encourage, motivate and impact people.
So from this day forward look forward to me knocking at the door of your conscious, look forward to motivating messages that will get you back on the path that God has established for your life.
In order for me to step outside the box and get myself positioned to the call on my life I had to learn and value the true meaning of God’s love. In 2006 I was faced with so many decisions, so much was happening all around me and I just needed an outlet. I was having anxiety attack one after another until the point I just gave up on all things. I laid there in a fetal position in my bed, until I was able to move and make it to the hospital.
I had hit rock bottom in my life and felt that love was no friend of mine, but God showed me differently. While I had blacked out from the anxiety attack I could not see nothing but darkness, but I could hear a still small voice on the inside of me keeping me conscious. I remember thinking I have given everyone and everything else a try, but not God and I shouldn't give up on Him easily because times got rough.
At the hospital the doctor placed me on the EKG machine and found nothing, he took X-rays and found nothing, and then he asked me what’s on your mind? Before I could respond, he said “young lady let go of whatever it is that is out of your control”.
It took a moment to respond because I struggled with myself for a while before I let anyone in on what was taking place in my life. I have always strive to be so independent and do things on my own. I realized at the hospital that I needed help and that I needed to reconcile my relationship with God and give it over to Him.
It took some time, but eventually through God's word and patience I was able to do as it is written in Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will..
At one time in my life I would never apply scripture when I was going through, but today I rely on the Word for all things. I was giving God bits and pieces of my life at my convenience, but now He has it all. I always tried to do it on my own, but today I am grateful that He is the center of my life. I put Him first in all that I do. I realized that in order to fully receive all that God had for me I had to give Him all of me. God needs all of you in order for you to experience your breakthrough as well. It's time to stop wrestling with yourself and allow God to lead you to your next level.
One scripture that has helped me overcome my situation is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. As it is written in 1 Peter 5:7 I have been casting my cares on Him daily, in order to keep myself leveled and focused on the path I believe He is directing me to travel.
Today I ask you what’s on your mind? What’s troubling you? What is it that God has been asking of you?
I challenge you today to step outside the box and allow God to lead you into His promised land to reap all that He has in store for your life. It will not be an easy journey, but I guarantee it will be well worth the fight and effort you put forth for change in your life.
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today
Thank You Lord for new beginnings; thank You Lord for it all; Jesus You are the center of my life; Jesus You are my joy, Jesus You are my everything; All of my help comes from You; There is no one that can compare to the love I have for You or have received from You; I bless Your name and give You all the praise! In Jesus name, Amen
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