Filling the Void
Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13-14
Today I want to uplift you and assure you that you are loved. Have you ever felt the need to fill a void?
In reading John 4:1-26, we find Jesus at the well talking with the Samaritan woman. We find that she is journeying to the well for water, but doesn’t realize she was led there for the living water more so than the drinking water in the well.
While at the well Jesus speaks to the emptiness inside of this woman. He gives of Himself to quench a thirst within her. This was a woman who had many experiences that seem to send her in the wrong direction, but yet at this time in her life she was led to the right place; to meet the right One.
We too sometimes live in repeat cycles trying to fill a void within that just never seems to get filled. We thirst after worldly things that never quite seem to quench our thirst. It’s time we focus on Jesus and allow Him to fill the voids in our lives.
Once you and I fill our voids, we will be able to share our testimony, just as the Samaritan woman and bring others to get filled by Him!
You should no longer hold on to the hurting things of the past that will cause your void to increase. We should obey His Word and as it is written 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. We should do just that. It’s time to cast our cares on Him and we should not take them any further along our journey as we strive to the next level. Our pasts do not determine our future.
Many times we tend to let people speak negatively over are lives and their words become our actions. This creates unwanted layers in, on and over our lives. This has us focused on the negatives versus the positives. We should take every negative moment of our lives as a learning experience. We should no longer ponder on it awaiting something to change, instead grow from it and move in a positive direction.
At the well Jesus knew everything about the woman. He knew her better than she knew herself. Not once did He call her out of her name of judge the state she was in. He instead filled the void in her so she could go back and do the same for others. He taught her a lesson that was more meaningful than anything she had ever experienced. We must allow His Word to do the same for us and allow the words from others to have no impact unless they are words from Him!
No matter what area in your life is empty He can fill it. There are so many things that are waiting to happen in your life, yet you are standing in your way. It’s time you meet with Him at the place considered the well in your life and allow Him to fulfill you in Him!
So from this day forward I challenge you to love yourself and do unto others as you would want them to do to and for you. No longer let anyone stand in your way from getting to the next level in life. At work don’t take it personal, be professional. At home, be strong, whatever is going on in your personal life is happening to bring out the good in you. So no longer stress because without trial there is no success and without challenge we remain weak!
All things will happen in our lives on God’s time! Always remember the decisions we make have a direct affect on someone else whether we know it or not. We all are role models.
I believe sometimes we need a mirror to see that we are the only ones holding ourselves back. So be strong and know that the best is yet to come!
Prayer for Today
Father I come to You today looking to fill a void; Father I am at the place considered to be the well in my situation; Father reach down and touch me today and allow me to feel Your presence totally; Father allow me to see myself as You see me; Father allow me to grow in the areas You need me to grow; Father fill me with Your living water; Father I want to thirst no more; Thank You for creating me; Father I am determined to be all that you have destined me to be; My past does not determine my future; I am a beautiful creation and nothing or no one has a hold over me; Lord guide my steps and guide my words; Give me the strength needed to close the doors of my past, in order to open the doors of my future!
In Jesus name, Amen!
Be Encouraged
Tennille L. Whittington
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