Acts 9:6 Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.
Good Evening,
I know God has been speaking to us in many different ways. We have found ourselves questioning ourselves because of all that has been taking place in our lives. I'm not sure what the title of the message was at your church service today, but I do know that God wants you to know that His choice for your life is clear. I can guarantee at some point since before the new year He has been speaking to you about the direction He wanted you to take in 2010.
Each year as we approach the new year, we begin to plan out our resolutions. Maybe we prayed about them first, but most of the times we just identified things we would like to change verses asking God what He needed us to change. The key thing I would like us to focus on in this message is that God wants what's best for us.
We have been equipped to hear from God since we were created. It's time for us to tap back into His power in our life and hear Him clearly. It's time we understand His voice and His direction for our lives going forward. Before we even entered the Earth His choice was clear for our lives. He just needs us to be on one accord with Him and accept the call on our lives.
This past week we talked about pressing forward towards our goals, tapping into our gifts and emptying ourselves of all the unnecessary things in life. I would like us all to get to the place where we are allowing God to fill us with Him, in order for us to live out this life to the fullest in Him. Today God spoke confirmation through many ways during service at my church about what He wanted for our lives. He wants us to know that His message has been made clear. It's time that we move forward to a whole new level in Him.
As we looked back at Saul's conversion, we can see that it happened while he thought he was traveling to Damascus with the intent to do harm, but in the midst of what he thought, the Lord stepped in and had His way in His life. He told him what he was going to do from that moment on. His choice was clear for Saul's life. After all Saul had done wrong, the Lord was still able to use Him as a vessel to bear His name. What greater reward do you have than to live out the call on your life? You know all the hell you have been through and God wants you to know today that it was just to position you for your conversion. God never wanted to hurt you, He loves you and wants what's best for you.
You have been praying to God for some time for a relationship, discipline over your finances, a job, direction in going back to school, going higher in ministry, getting married, getting promoted, tapping in your purpose, living out your dream, and maybe having a child. I can go on and on. You know what you have been praying and believing God for and today I am sent to tell you that He has made the choice clear.
God has been speaking to us over and over again. God has given us every sign needed to point us in the right direction. God has sent us the people, to the places and given us the things needed to get us what He needed in order to position us to where He needs us to be.
We could have been reading His choice in an email, facebook or a street sign. We could have been told from the pulpit, a stranger, a family member or neighbor. God sends what we need at His time and in His way. I don't want us to miss out on God when His choice has been made clear for our lives because we are stuck in our ways. I want us all to get out of our way and allow Him to have His way in our lives by responding to His call on our lives.
It's time to go to the next level on your job, in your relationship, at your school, in your finances and towards bringing your dream to life. It's time to write your plan, work your plan and then measure your plan. This week we will continue to walk in building our dreams according to God's plan for our lives. This week's message on dreams will be through the book of Daniel.
Remember today God is saying the choice is clear. He is saying trust in Him and move forward. Too much thought will cause fear to set in, but instead follow the Lord as Saul did and allow Him to transform you into Paul. It's time you allow God to use you to show someone else the way! It's time that you experience love and happiness in your life! It's time you are made whole! It's time you are healed completely! Your choice is clear!
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today
As I read this Lord dive into my mind, step into my heart and settle in my soul, Lord I submit to You today, Lord the choice is clear, Lord I choose You, Lord no longer will I seek out my friends and family, Lord no longer will I ignore the call, Lord no longer will I allow myself to become distracted, Lord my storage is empty, Lord I am available to You, Lord I am ready to live out my call and be who You have called me to be, Lord I am ready to use my testimony to show someone else the way! In Jesus name, Amen
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