Good Evening,
For two days I have been trying to write a blog and tie it to this week's message about love. I tried to focus in on a story in the Bible to relate it too, but I kept getting sidetracked. In order to do so I had to be real with myself.
Most women often chose the book of Ruth. Every woman is awaiting her Boaz to sweep her off her feet. Then there is the book of Esther, where she has her one night with the king and so on story after story there are examples of love between a man and a woman. In every story we can connect our story in some way to their story.
God has shown me in my own walk that I had a wall up. I was blocking the chance of even being loved by someone. I have been keeping myself so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to enjoy myself on a regular basis. Even if I met the man who God lead to me I wouldn't have known it. Sometimes we are so stuck in our ways that if a blessing was in front of us, we would miss it.
Sometimes we say that we are trusting and seeking God for certain things and when He sends them we still have a checklist of what we want and don't want, verses what or who we need. We pray for God to show up and show out in our lives, but because of our stubborness we overlook Him when He does show up.
In these past few days after seeing The Book of Eli, I made up my mind that I want more of what God had for my life in the areas of assignment, love and relationship. I want to live out my purpose and experience true love and happiness. I'm so grateful that I chose to give up my old ways and follow God. Through His love I am able to see a clear picture for my life. One area I didn't let go was breaking down my wall and allowing someone in, but not anymore.
In the book of Ruth, her heart was change to operate off of God's love. She was once a women who didn't know God, which meant she didn't know love. But once she had her experience with God her life was never the same. Despite how her situation looked in the beginning she hung in there. Ruth served from the heart and allowed God to change her. She was changed by allowing herself to be changed. She was open and willing to try something new.
In the end we all know how her story goes, but tonight I want us to seek God to position us for our story. I want us to seek Him and ask Him to help us see the person that He sees when He looks at us. It's time to stop beating ourselves up and stressing over the should haves, would haves and could haves.
Ladies and gentleman it's time to stop thinking about when is it going to be your turn to be made whole, when is it your turn to be loved, when is it your turn to get married, when is it your turn to experience a good healthy relationship. The time is now, God says ask and you shall receive!
The first step is allowing yourself to be open to change. It's time to try something new!
For so long I kept myself busy. When I didn't have anything to do, I made stuff to do, but not anymore. I have made up my mind that I need some time for me. I need to take time and love myself like never before and position myself to be loved by someone else. It's time for me to press forward in a new direction.
Whether you are single or married, I ask that we all seek God tonight to learn more about His love. As we all prepare for bed, I ask that we reach out to Him to experience something new. I ask that we all pray to God to spark change in us, so we can also experience His love like never before. Singles it's time you get direction where love is concerned and married couples it's time you learn how to utilize His love to strengthen your marriage.
I want us all to remember that God loves us and wants the best for us. It's time for us to try something new!
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today
As I read this Lord open up my heart, mind, and soul to change, Lord allow me to experience Your love with open arms, Lord I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, Lord spark a change in me and allow me to see who You see, Lord position me to where I need to be tonight! In Jesus name, Amen!
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