Good Afternoon,
Gen 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
I thank the Lord that we have entered into a new decade full of new possibilities. In 2009 there were some challenges and tough situations for alot of us, but because of who God is in our lives we were able to make it to 2010!
I want to focus on Gen 3:9, when God went looking for Adam and he was hiding. Daily God spoke to Adam and before giving to Adam and him being deceived he knew no wrong and spent time with God. God went out looking for him and asked "where art thou?" Adam was in hiding. He had been created naked and not ashamed, yet on this day Adam was hiding because he was ashamed of his nakedness. Think about your life, where are you?
I had to reposition my thoughts and place myself in that moment. I had to ask myself what are some of the reasons I hid from God. I had to ask myself why did I allow myself not to hear God's voice when He came looking for me. I had to be real with myself in order to respond to the question for my life and ask God to help me come out of hiding. Once Adam came out from hiding and responded to God, He asked him "who told you"?
As I think back over the reasons why I hid from God before stepping boldly to Him and serving His people, why I was disobedient to His Word, why I valued what people said more than what God said, why I put more trust in people than in God, why I steered off His path for my life and created one of my own, why did I think I could do anything without Him! Think about your own life, who told you?
I thought about how I positioned myself for failure, how I positioned myself for error, how I positioned myself for heartache and pain, how I positioned myself for a nervous breakdown, how I positioned myself to be the leading star in the movie called my life, but I had no real success because I continue to hide from God.
True we can never really hide from God, because He is everywhere we are, but in this season God's asking "where are you?" It's not about new year's resolutions, it's about getting in touch with God and putting together a realistic plan and measure your goals against your plan. It's about knowing who you are in Him. It's time to step outside yourself and step inside the presence of God. No more hiding, no more running, and no more sitting still. It's time to come out of hiding and be who He created you to be.
In Gen 1:26 God says and God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: We need to read His Word and examine the character of God, in order to reposition ourselves after His image and likeness. We need to stop giving ear to the naysayers and the negative people, places and things that have held us back from obeying God's call on our lives. It's time to tap into our purpose and take the proper steps according to our plan to get closer to our God.
Today I challenge everyone to step to God boldly and ask Him to show you where He sees you today and where He needs you to be. I know and believe there is a master plan for all of our lives and it is the Master's plan! I know and believe we all want more out of this life and we want to be all that God has called us to be. We have to remember to always put God first and not allow people, places and things to cause us to hide from Him. We need to focus on the blessings in the beginning and studying the Word daily to build up our spirits.
Today my friends God is asking, "where are you?". I am writing to you to encourage you to respond to His question, write a realistic plan for your life and move forward on building a stronger relationship with Him! It doesn't matter that your family and friends say you can't, or that your job and the bank are telling you no! God is telling you yes! Remember we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! We have to focus on God's Word daily!
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today:
As I read this Lord lead me out of hiding, lead me up closer to You. Lord lead me to the people, places and things that will help me be who You have called me to be. Lord I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, Lord I am tired of living a mediocre life, Lord I am tired of being disobedient, Lord help me to reshape my mind, heart and soul, Lord teach me to think like You, love like You, talk like You and walk like You, Give me your mirror today Lord show me who I am in You, Lord teach me to use Your word as my manual for living I want to step boldly to the plate and answer the call for my life! In Jesus name, Amen
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