Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Selah
Good Evening,
Today I hope and pray we realize that God’s choices for our lives are clear. As we take steps to write and work our plans today I want us to reflect on the book of Daniel. In this book we learn how God was able to use Daniel through the gifts He placed on the inside of him. We find that he was positioned to be used for God’s glory. Daniel had the ability to interpret dreams, just as Joseph did in Genesis.
Daniel was among those sent out of Israel to serve in the king’s palace in Babylon. His first great test came when he interpret the meaning of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Out of all the magicians, enchanters and astrologers, he was the only one that could do what the king had asked. You see God gifted Daniel in a unique way, because the King never told Daniel his dream, but Daniel was able to successfully interpret it with the help of God.
Just as Daniel interpreted the king’s dream with God’s help, the same help is available to us. God is available to position us and help us utilize the gifts he placed on the inside of us. The magicians, enchanters and astrologers who the king thought would be able to do the job based on their position were all unable to perform this task. We have to realize that sometimes God sends us to certain places because we are the only ones that can complete the assignment. We don’t need a title. We just need an opportunity. We don't need to get upset, afraid or frustrated, we need to just seek God.
I find it amazing that after the king had put out a hit on all of the wise men to be killed because they failed to interpret the dream, that Daniel was confident enough to step to the plate. God used Daniel to do the impossible. He used him to interpret the king's dream. What all the other wise men were saying was impossible, he was able to perform. When the men came upon Daniel and his friends, he questioned them why the king had put out such a harsh decree? Instead of being afraid he asked the king for more time, so that he can use his gift.
Daniel took the necessary steps in reaching out to God along with his friends. He trusted in God to make a way. Have you taken time out to plead to God in prayer over your gifts? Have you asked God to show you how to develop your plan? Have you put your trust in God to lead you where He needs you to be? Have you given up easily on all your hopes and your dreams? If so, today is your day of turnaround!
It’s time tap into the Dreamgiver and allow Him to speak to us through our dreams and give us a vision for our lives. As we walk through the book of Daniel this week, we will see that God will position us in such a way that we will be used for His glory and help those around us. By allowing God to position us and seeking Him to lead the way we will learn how to use our gifts and get elevated to our next level in life.
As Daniel was made ruler over the whole province of Babylon, he asked that his friends be appointed as administrators over the province of Babylon. It’s time you realize your gift is not just about you. It’s time you realize that God needs you to follow His lead in order to get the more He has in store for you. In the process of your blessing, He will also bless those around you.
It was because of his gift and the trust he put in God that he was made ruler and placed in charge over all the wise men. Have you ever thought about how your gifts can be used if you allowed yourself to be positioned to where God needed you to be? We need to realize that there is something unique on the inside of us that only we can do? We need to realize what are gifts are and how God would like us to be used for His glory?
It’s time that we tap into our gifts and trust in God. Daniel put His trust in God and allowed God to lead him along his journey. So put your trust in God and watch Him show up and show out at your job, at your school, in your marriage, in your finances and in your dreams. He led you to certain places for a reason. You must trust Him and be obedient like Daniel and follow His lead.
Daniel gave God all the glory and did not promote himself. Once God reveals our plans to us, I want us to remember to keep Him first and to give Him all the glory. It’s time we put our trust in God and allow Him to lead us higher in Him.
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today
As I read this Lord I want to do all that You have created me to do, Lord position me today surrounded by the people, traveling to the places and around the things I need to bring my dream into a reality, Lord as You gifted both Joseph & Daniel with interpretation of dreams allow me to see Your clear choice for my life, Lord I want to be used for Your glory! I submit myself wholeheartedly to You! In Jesus name Amen
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