Gen 41:41 So Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt."
Good Evening,
Now that we have tapped back into our dreams, goals and desires, it's time to reposition ourselves to take charge over them. Let us focus back in on Joseph. Yesterday we touched on Joseph being hated for his gift of dreams. He was locked away and then sold off into slavery, because his brothers hated him. He was falsely accused, falsely imprisoned, but also successful at all that he did.
Although this all sounds bad, it was for purpose. Joseph had dreams, but in order for them to come to past, he needed to go through some steps to get to where God needed him to be. He ended up living the dream and being put in charge by Pharaoh over all of Egypt.
For a moment just reflect over you life and think about how many times you have been put down, shut down and/or lacked support. Think about how many times you were the victim and had no clue as to why it was happening to you. Think about someone falsely accusing you for something you had no parts of. Well Joseph was a man of integrity, despite his situation he remained faithful to God. No matter what they did to him, no matter what they told him, no matter how much suffering he had to face he never gave up on his dreams or God.
We tend to give up or give in as soon as it gets too challenging. We forget God's promises to us. It's hard for us to hang in there when everything around us is falling apart. We have to get to a place in our lives when it doesn't matter what people think or say about us. We have to get to a place when our circumstance doesn't dictate our outcome. There has to come a time when we stand faithful to God's Word and do away with what the world says about us.
Can you imagine in 2010 being locked away by those who love you? Can you imagine in 2010 being sold away into slavery? Can you imagine being falsely accused and sentenced to prison for a crime you did not commit? Just think how it felt to be Joseph, favored and full of dreams, full of ambition, but yet every step of his way turned for the worst because of his gift, because of his dream. Does this hit close to home for you? How many times have you suffered trying to bring your dream to being a living reality? How many times have you set goals and faced obstacles that were unfair, unexpected and caused a road block to block your destiny?
What's your dream? What's your reality? Better yet have you taken the time out to ask God what's His reality for your life? Have you taken the time out to talk with God about what He needs you to realize through your journey? See even though Joseph endured alot of bad times, he remained faithful to God. He obeyed and waited patiently for his dreams to become a living reality.
God positions us in the right moments to test us for our purpose. Our reactions to our test determines if we will get the access to the next level of our purpose. We need to get out of our comfort zone and allow God to use us. Joseph used his gifts to help others and in the end he was rewarded. God blessed Joseph beyond his dreams. What more do you think God would do for you? What gifts have God given you that can be help to bless others? We all are created in His image and likeness. We too can reap the benefits that Joseph did.
Today was my first day working in a new position. I am detailed to a member of Congress through my Executive Leadership program. I had to reposition myself and serve the community with various issues. I always press forward to try and make things happen in my own strength, but I was never successful. This time around I allow God to humble me. I allowed God to show up in my life and show out. I went through several phases before acquiring the position and alot of them were more challenging than others, but I remained faithful. I realized that in order to get the more out of life I needed to focus on my relationship with God and trust in Him wholeheartedly to lead me into my breakthrough.
I praise Him daily because of who He is. I'm grateful to say I'm walking in my breakthrough. I am in His living reality for my life. God is waiting to lead you too today. He is ready to take all of your experiences and mold them together to blow your mind. He is ready to lead you in making your dream into a living reality. Are you ready to reposition your thoughts, will and emotions? Are you ready to believe in yourself, push yourself and invest more in yourself? Just like the story of Joseph, in the end God will turn your situation around too.
Be patient my friend, the best is yet to come.
Tennille L. Whittington
Prayer for Today:
As I read this Lord help me to examine my walk, Lord lead me through my trials and help me to see the good in all my experiences, Lord position me like Joseph, help me to interpret my dreams, Lord I thank You for my dreams, I thank You for bringing my dreams back to me, Lord I thank You for the journey I have traveled and I thank You for my next assignement, Lord created in me a clean heart, Lord strengthen my spirit, Lord where I am weak, make me strong, Lord where I need healing, heal me. Lord remove from my thoughts all the people who have impacted my walk in a negative way, Lord I pray for them today, Lord show me a new me in me, Lord show me who I am in You! In Jesus name Amen
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